Conference book
Important Dates
Online Registration
Date Online Registration Payment
November 15, 2023 - March 31, 2024Early bird registration
April 1 - May 15, 2024Regular registration
May 16 - May 31, 2024Last minute registration
Abstract and Manuscript Submission
Date Abstract and Manuscript Submission
November 15, 2023First announcement + Call for abstract
March 8, 2024Extend deadline
March 15, 2024Deadline of abstract submission + Call for proceeding
March 28, 2024Notification of abstract acceptance
April 3, 2024Deadline for manuscript of proceeding/journal submission
May 12, 2024Notification of proceeding acceptance
Notification of Acceptance
Date Notification of Acceptance
March 28, 2024Notification of Abstract Acceptance (via email)
April 1, 2024End of Email Notification
April 3, 2024Deadline for Manuscript of Proceeding/Journal submission
May 12, 2024Presentation Notification (via email)
May 12, 2024Notification of Proceeding Acceptance (via email)
May 30, 2024Publication of Proceedings
Notification of Acceptance
      You will receive an e-mail from a scientific committee regarding your abstract’s acceptance status by March 28th, 2024.
      If you have not received an e-mail notifying you of the status of your submission by April 1st, 2024, please contact scientific.PST2024@cmu.ac.th with your name, the title of your submission and registration code.
If your abstract is accepted: Notification of presentation time
      If your abstract is accepted, a scientific committee will contact to provide you with the schedule, including the date and time of your presentation, the amount of time you will have to speak, and other final information and instructions.
      If you have not received an e-mail with this information by May 12th, 2024, please notify scientific.PST2024@cmu.ac.th with your name, the title of your submission and registration code.
      Please note that individual requests for specific presentation dates and/or times cannot be addressed due to the very large number of presentations and other factors that the program committee must consider when scheduling the overall program.
Paper review program and proceedings
      If your submission is accepted, you will be encouraged to participate in an optional paper review program. If you wish to participate, you will prepare a 5-page paper, which will be included in the conference proceedings.
      The draft manuscript would be due by April 3rd, would be reviewed by three expertise and revised by you between March 28th – May 12th and would be published online by May 30th.
      Both poster and oral presenters are welcome to submit manuscripts for proccedings publication.
A note about deadlines
      Please respect deadlines, as they are firm. NO exceptions will be made. Please mark your calendar with important conference dates and plan so that your activities take place well before deadlines to avoid unforeseen or unavoidable delays in your schedule, to avoid technical overloads or human error caused by last-minute "traffic jams," and to give Program Committee members time to help you if needed.
Invited Speakers
PST Conference 2024
Faculty of Pharmacy Chiang Mai University
Suthep Rd. Chiang Mai 50200

Copyright © PST Conference 2024 , Faculty of Pharmacy Chiang Mai University. All rights reserved.