Slides must be set up using the 16:9 aspect ratio (widescreen)
Video or fonts not included in the Window system must be embedded in PowerPoint.
Do not use links to YouTube or other webservice in your presentation.
Each Oral Presentation is limited to 12 minutes which is distributed 10 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for answering questions from the auditorium.
The Session Chair will ring a bell once at 8 minutes after start, and twice at 10 minutes. Please make sure that you finish your talk promptly.
It is of importance that all presenters are ready and in time for their presentations.
The introduction of each presenter will be kept brief when introduced by the Session Chair.
To make sure presentations run smoothly during the sessions you are expected to use the computer provided by our staff while giving your presentation.
There will be a “Presentation Room” at the venue with administrative and technical staff who will answer questions you might have and provide service and help when needed.
Instruction for Poster Presentation
The recommended poster size is 90 x 120 cm and in portrait orientation.
Please refer to the poster template for a suggestion. However, it is not mandatory to use the template.
All posters must be in English.
Organize the poster clearly, orderly, and self-explanatory. The content of the poster includes title, authors and affiliations, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, references, and acknowledgement (if any).
The recommended font sizes are
Title: 80 - 100 pt.
Author names and affiliations: 30 - 40 pt.
Main text: 28 - 40 pt.
References / Acknowledgement: 24 - 32 pt.
A Poster board/double-sided tape will be provided in the poster presentation session area.
Each poster board will be identified by a poster number.
Authors are asked to present their posters during the poster presentation sessions on May 30th -31st, 2024, to discuss with participants and answer any questions.
Place your Title and Authors’ names prominently at the top of the poster to allow viewers to identify your paper easily. The corresponding author name and e-mail address information should be highlighted (or in bold) in case the viewer is interested in contacting you for more information.
Poster presenters are required to be at their posters during the poster sessions.
Authors are responsible for setting up their poster on May 30th, 2024 (before 09:00 am) and removing it at the end of session (May 31st, 2024 during 2:30 -4.30 pm).
PST Conference 2024 : Faculty of Pharmacy Chiang Mai University